Sustainability is Sexy: Lingerie for a Better World

According to TheWorldCounts organization, if you compare Earth’s history to a calendar year, then humans have only existed for about 37 minutes and managed to use up 33% of the Earth’s entire natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds.

Sustainability Implementation
It is no question that our current consumer society is based on not being sustainable and friendly to the environment. However, we must change our perspectives and find new ways of doing things. Here at Dreamgirl, we have switched all of our packaging materials to be sustainable. We are working towards 100% sustainability, and decided to start with our packaging. We are now using a sustainable material to package our garments, that will easily breakdown in landfills. Landfills are currently bursting with waste that will never breakdown.
Dreamgirl is attempting to be part of the solution to creating a better environment. By making our packaging sustainable, our bags, hangers, boxes, and any other packaging materials will now easily breakdown in landfills around the world. We have a solution to reducing waste materials. Sustainability is the way of the future. It is important that we take care of our planet and that we aid in preserving it. Our entire team at Dreamgirl is dedicated to sustainability and we are very committed to taking care of the environment. Sustainable packaging was our first step into helping preserve the environment. When shopping Dreamgirl, look for our new sustainability logo placed on our packaging! You will find this logo on the back of any packaged items and on the tags of our hanging items.

Future Innovations
At Dreamgirl, we want to provide lingerie for a better world. We have successfully implemented sustainable packaging and are working towards making our company 100% sustainable, one step at a time. Our next endeavors include eventually incorporating sustainable materials into our garments. We are looking forward to being apart of a push for change and a better environment. We are constantly working with our team and researching how we can do more and more to help the environment. At Dreamgirl, we are making sustainability sexy.
Posted on April 20 2021